Saturday, 27 May 2017

Tanya Plibersek

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(From a video animation)

(From a video animation)

Ted O'Brien

LNP Member for Fairfax, Qld (Clive Palmer's old seat) whose gotten the gig as the Climate Change shadow minister and who is actually a Climate Change denier!  What could possibly go wrong?  Is he getting paid a mozza by the mining industry?  You decide.

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET or IMAGE as"

Terri Butler

Terrin Butler is the Federal Queensland Labor MP for Griffith - Kevin Rudd's old seat in Brisbane.

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET  or IMAGE as"

Theresa May

(UK Prime Minister)

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET as"

Thomas Mair

This guy is the low-life nut-job who shot and stabbed UK ALP politician Jo Cox in the BREXIT campaign. Rot in prison, bucko!

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET as"

Tim Crakanthorp

Tim is the current ALP state member for Newcastle, he graduated from being a Newcastle City Councillor, but recently had to resign under Mike Baird's "Clover Moore Law", where councillors can no longer be on both forms of government.  (There is a transition period where they can be both - briefly).

NB: Blog shows thumbnails.  To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET or IMAGE as"

Tim Koelma

Tim Koelma was a "witness" at the NSW ICAC hearings in 2014 - he assisted Tim Owen, former disgraced state member for Newcastle.

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET as"

Tim Owen

Owen is the former disgraced state member for Newcastle

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET as"

Tony Abbott

NB: Blog shows thumbnails. To get the full-size image, right-click and choose "Save TARGET as"

(Tony & his Mum)

(As Quagmire from Family Guy)

(Yep, that's HIS ear)